Juvenile Court Involved Services and DHHS Family Services

Families and youth may become involved with Iowa’s Juvenile Court for any number of reasons. This may range from delinquency hearings and actions when a child breaks a law and is caught while under the age of 18 to a family struggling with substance use issues, brain health, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, in addition to neglect. It is not uncommon for children to be placed out of the home for youth detention, to foster placement in group facilities, and community foster or kinship homes. When this happens there are number of services through juvenile court that may attempt to provide therapeutic intervention and education to the family and children. The goal of this is to hopefully habilitate or rehabilitate the family with new skills, build on existing strengths, with the hope of long term success. Sometimes this doesn’t happen, or it is a long road to achieve this goal. When this occurs there are complex decisions and emotions involved in understanding the dynamics of families, as well as making the best decision for the children for where they might reside until they are 18 if needed.

It is also not uncommon for the department to request or court order therapy services for individuals and families related to making these decisions to aid in accuracy and safety of placement and reunification with family. The following are services that are provided to support families involved with the juvenile court system and special considerations when engaging with them.

CASE CONSULTATION IS AVAILABLE: Sometimes situations are so complicated that Child Welfare Professionals involved in directing services, or Attorney’s involved need specific guidance need an outside clinical perspective. If this is the case, consultation is available to help work through impact to children and families, as well as addressing alternatives with Families First Legislation.

Prior to completing paperwork, please confirm availability with Candor’s Treatment Provider before sending via fax or email.

Services typically covered by insurance:

  • Individual Therapy Services for children and parents.

  • Family Therapy Services to work on changing dynamics

  • Parent-Child Attachment Focused Interventions from prenatal through age 4.

  • Reunification and Integrative Therapy Engagement Services (RITES) when extended absence or contact has happened, or introduction of an unfamiliar caretaker for a child. This could be a family member the child is meeting for the first time, or a foster family that may be a permanent placement.

    Services Requiring Court Ordered Funds:

  • Parenting Evaluations to determine the psychological well being of a caretaker, and ability to meet basic needs of a child.

  • Family Evaluations to determine if reunification or integration of a family member or placement is appropriate and how to begin to integrate them.

Printable Intake Forms for Juvenile Court

Client Information Form

Release of Information:

Please complete Releases for: DHHS, Attorney, GAL, CASA, PCP, Psychiatrist, School, Current Placement, FCS Provider, County Attorney

Client Contacts Form

Client History Form

Consent for Services

Insurance Authorization and Payment

Disclosure of Consultation